Average sizes
How did we get our numbers?
Ultimately, the price will vary according to the number of items in your property, the size and specification that you choose.
To calculate our estimated prices, we took our average price per item over a 12 month period and multiplied that by the number of items. To find the national average for the number of windows and doors for different property sizes, we carried our research and used UK home statistics.
This is the data we’ve used to provide you with an estimated cost:
Flat / apartment
3 x Windows
6 x Windows, 1 x Composite front door, 1 x PVC back door
7 x Windows, 1 x Composite front door, 1 x PVC back door
9 x Windows, 1 x Composite front door, 1 x PVC back door, 1 x French door
Average size
An average-sized individual product
If your house is very different to these national averages, then contact us today for a free, no obligation quote. We can talk through your individual specifications to get you an accurate quote for the product you’re looking for.